Community and Economic Development

Our Mission

The City of Remerton is committed to the economic development, historic preservation, and beautification of Remerton’s downtown area.

Our Vision 

Our vision is to revitalize downtown economically and socially within the context of historic preservation by increasing financial viability and ensuring the success of businesses. This plan revolves around the following:

  • Downtown is the historic center of a community, representing the city itself in many people’s minds, as it remains the center for government and finance.
  • Downtown’s built in environment is unique, representing a living history that bears testimony to the economic forces that created the city. Downtown is a community’s signature. It leaves a mark on the mind.
  • The reflection on the investment climate of a city may be the single greatest consideration in downtown development, and it needs to give the impression that it is a good place invest money.


  • Design – Enhancing the physical appearance of the commercial district by rehabilitating historic buildings, encouraging supportive new construction, developing design-management systems, and long-term planning
  • Organization – Building consensus and cooperation among the many groups and individuals who have a role in the revitalization process
  • Promotion – Marketing the commercial district’s assets to customers, potential investors, new businesses, local citizens, and visitors
  • Economic Restructuring – Strengthening the existing economic base while finding ways to expand it to meet new opportunities and challenges

Starting or looking to relocate your Business?

The City of Remerton is dedicated to helping you start or relocate your business with ease. We will guide you through every step of the way and provide professional assistance to you in establishing your business here.